Friday, February 19, 2016

Dearest no one in particular,
Time passes by way too quickly for me to just realize how much time I put off to write my blog posts but just know I am reflecting in the meantime. 
I've been meaning to write a blog post about my lessons and blessings of 2015, and we'll just have to wait and see if I ever come around to doing so. Through what I went through last year, as in, how much growing and maturing I had done (though not realizing it till now) one of the most important things I had done was: loving.
Christ, my Best Friend and Saviour had instilled so much in my life, in that year of 2015 and now, all for the greater good. 
My friends, we are all called to love.
I don't think I realized it until last year, of the importance of allowing people to know that they are loved and realizing that I am loved as well. We need to feel that love, acknowledge it and deepen it. Allow it reach into our hearts and nourish  it. 
There are times when we may feel unloved it's true. I also reached that point last year, where I even questioned myself daily of my value and who cared, but I knew the Lord did and always does so He was what sustained me. Overcoming that hardship though, a thought I had in the shower came up when I was listening to the song "Somebody to Love" by Queen. I love Anne Hathaway's version of it in the movie "Ella Enchanted" and it was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. I recall listening to that song and still to this day, dwell on that lyric thinking "Lord.. somebody (somebody) Can anybody find me somebody to love?" as cliché and cheesy as it may sound. I to, hope that one day God-willing the Lord may unite me with a Christ-centered man to be my husband, a life long counterpart. But whether that is my vocation or not (with a shoutout to the beautiful love those have in the devoted religious life) I do have somebody or rather, many "somebody"s to love! It is, the Lord, you dear reader, and all the people around me. We are all called to that. We are called to love each person every day in our lives and what matters is our response to that. In loving Christ and loving others may we also learn to love ourselves. I've been dwelling in one of the biggest and long lasting lessons of 2015 which was loving more wholeheartedly. I've been growing in love and trying to bloom it where it can flourish. In loving comes there does come a price on ourselves and whether that price be good or bad, Mother Teresa explains it as finding "the paradox" that "if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." Certain feelings God places in me, I've come to know shouldn't only guide me but REVEAL something in me. Love isn't meant to be temporary. Love is not something detrimental. Love is a powerful thing, a victorious thing even. Love is selfless. Love can hurt. There has never been a greater act of love, than His love. God's love shown upon the Cross, His Salvation for us and Mercy. We cannot take this sacrifice for granted, nor love itself. His love has saved us in more ways than one and that goes to show how much love can move us. I can only pray that in all I do, on the rood to saint-hood and becoming more virtuous, more modest, I may love as Christ loves us. With the many struggles, internal mind battles with myself, many blessings, hopes and much more that I have, may I gracefully remain as steadfast and firm as possible. 
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13
Please pray for me as I will pray for you. 
Sincerely and Willingly the Lord's


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