Friday, February 19, 2016

Dearest no one in particular,
Time passes by way too quickly for me to just realize how much time I put off to write my blog posts but just know I am reflecting in the meantime. 
I've been meaning to write a blog post about my lessons and blessings of 2015, and we'll just have to wait and see if I ever come around to doing so. Through what I went through last year, as in, how much growing and maturing I had done (though not realizing it till now) one of the most important things I had done was: loving.
Christ, my Best Friend and Saviour had instilled so much in my life, in that year of 2015 and now, all for the greater good. 
My friends, we are all called to love.
I don't think I realized it until last year, of the importance of allowing people to know that they are loved and realizing that I am loved as well. We need to feel that love, acknowledge it and deepen it. Allow it reach into our hearts and nourish  it. 
There are times when we may feel unloved it's true. I also reached that point last year, where I even questioned myself daily of my value and who cared, but I knew the Lord did and always does so He was what sustained me. Overcoming that hardship though, a thought I had in the shower came up when I was listening to the song "Somebody to Love" by Queen. I love Anne Hathaway's version of it in the movie "Ella Enchanted" and it was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. I recall listening to that song and still to this day, dwell on that lyric thinking "Lord.. somebody (somebody) Can anybody find me somebody to love?" as cliché and cheesy as it may sound. I to, hope that one day God-willing the Lord may unite me with a Christ-centered man to be my husband, a life long counterpart. But whether that is my vocation or not (with a shoutout to the beautiful love those have in the devoted religious life) I do have somebody or rather, many "somebody"s to love! It is, the Lord, you dear reader, and all the people around me. We are all called to that. We are called to love each person every day in our lives and what matters is our response to that. In loving Christ and loving others may we also learn to love ourselves. I've been dwelling in one of the biggest and long lasting lessons of 2015 which was loving more wholeheartedly. I've been growing in love and trying to bloom it where it can flourish. In loving comes there does come a price on ourselves and whether that price be good or bad, Mother Teresa explains it as finding "the paradox" that "if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." Certain feelings God places in me, I've come to know shouldn't only guide me but REVEAL something in me. Love isn't meant to be temporary. Love is not something detrimental. Love is a powerful thing, a victorious thing even. Love is selfless. Love can hurt. There has never been a greater act of love, than His love. God's love shown upon the Cross, His Salvation for us and Mercy. We cannot take this sacrifice for granted, nor love itself. His love has saved us in more ways than one and that goes to show how much love can move us. I can only pray that in all I do, on the rood to saint-hood and becoming more virtuous, more modest, I may love as Christ loves us. With the many struggles, internal mind battles with myself, many blessings, hopes and much more that I have, may I gracefully remain as steadfast and firm as possible. 
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13
Please pray for me as I will pray for you. 
Sincerely and Willingly the Lord's


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom 
                  I want to serve a greater purpose. I was told I was given free will to choose any decision or choice that is placed before me. I've been set to believe, that there is a Lord that loves me, and who has made me to be His child. He knew me, even before I was formed in the womb. He gave me this life, this body, these surroundings, all set for His plans for me. He tells me He has many plans for me, prosperous ones, that will not give me harm so I may be hopeful for the future. When I seek Him, I know that there is nothing to be worried about. In whole-heartened prayer He will always listen to me calling out to Him, and that's where I find Him. I was told by the Lord to love more, not only His Divine Self but the people around me. To give my undivided attention, an open mind, a loving heart and a helping hand to those who need it most. I've been touched by the people whom He's worked through, and I was told that I am free to choose to love. I want to be a better listener. I want to help those who have no one to talk to, or who feel helpless and weak or confused. Whether it be through my writing or my actions, I want to empathize with people by sharing my failures/struggles or my joys/victories.
            Dear No One in Particular,
I don't know if that was as intense for me to read as it was for you. I wrote that one night I was just thinking to myself, because going through my mind has been a lot of thoughts about the future, my vocation, and what do I want to do with my life. Those are some pretty broad things to be thinking about for someone my age since I have plenty of time to decide... But have you ever had that feeling that you just want to go out and do things, to get that sense of fulfillment? I have so many aspirations and it's crazy to think that the Lord has placed all these hopes for me to accomplish (if that's His will). I'm so motivated by His graces and sustained by His love that I know He always stands with me. Discovery Camp was such an amazing experience and quite a refresher to Camp Exalted. It's been over a year and to think of how fruitful my life has been since truly finding the Lord right where I was at that point in my life. I know that none of this can be solely credited to me, or if it could be at all, because if it wasn't for the Lord, then I don't know how I'd be right now. God's opened up so many opportunities to me, has shown me through His love, what He is capable of, and what He's made me to be capable of too.
It's now been probably a month or two after starting to write this post. To be honest with you it was always in the back of my mind, every time I opened a blog post or read an article even. I didn't know how to end it off or how my summer would turn out. It looks like this post is going to be two parts, just because I don't want to bore you with such a long post, and second, because I feel called to so much reflection that it's just not big enough for this post and it's good to separate my thoughts.
Until the next time I finish writing this,
Sincerely the Lord's,

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Dear no one in particular, 
on the long weekend of May 15 and 16th, I was able to experience such an amazing, Christ-radiating event at our CFC-YOUTH Annual RYC (or for those of you who don't know, Regional Youth Conference).
I don't wanna spoil anything for those of you who aren't in CFC-Youth yet, but it's something you truly have to witness yourself. 

This year's RYC was only the second one that I've attended, but the Lord blessed me with the opportunity to lead my chapter's Junior Band (shout-out to Francis Trans and The Surrey 2 Boots & Cats) as well as to be able to serve Set-Design for the event. Preparing for the conference took countless days and multiples hours of work and dedication. At the end, it was worth it all to go through so much energy and even stress throughout preparations, because along the way, I was able to become so much close to some of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and do it all for the joy of the Lord! One of my favorite things of RYC itself, is the preparations for it because it just makes me so excited upon anticipating the event.

As a small part of the service team, I was invited to attend the event's Recollection which was a few days before the event (2 days before to be precise). And after helping out with set design, I made my way to the Church where the Recollection took place. Just so I don't spoil it for those who may serve in the future, I will briefly explain how it effected me!
The Recollection really opened my eyes throughout RYC because through it, the Lord reminded me to offer up all my stress and any suffering up to Him for His greater glory. Not only that, but it gave me the strength to remain humble in preparation for the event whether it be within the service team or with junior band. 

How great is our God, for I was set and ready to take part in such an incredible event.
Day one of RYC was filled with Junior Band performances, and little did I know service and the band would consume pretty much all of day one for me, which I didn't mind at all!
Throughout the entire event, I took what I learned from the Recollection and the workshops, and sessions, to truly develop the meaning and theme of this year's RYCON. 
I learned to truly offer up all of the preparations that were made before and during the event, all the competitions I took part in, and any other feelings I had of doubt, stress, or joy!
I was able to glorify to the Lord in all that I did, and remember that it was all for Him, and for the glory of Him! AMDG, hehe.
The songs of praise were amazing, Adoration was beautiful and Morning Mass was very joyful!
To gather my thoughts, I was truly reassured by the love of our Lord and could rely in trusting Him throughout it all. I have never felt so loved by Pacific Region until the final praise-fest of the night, and you could feel Christ's presence and His essence of love. 
("Love is itself, the fulfillment of all our works")
Honestly, this specific event, was the most I've ever cried consecutively ever in my life, and it was pretty significant! Praise the Lord for the victory of Junior Band, I can't thank Him and Junior Band enough. I'm so proud of them, and thankful I was able to serve the band members, and that I was able to allow the Lord to work through me.
RYCON 2015 Believe was such a breath-taking (literally) event, and dear friend, I hope one day you can attend an event similar to this one that can ignite your heart to be ablaze for the Lord.
Until next time.

Sincerely the Lord's,

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Amor Vincit Omnia" or in other words... love conquers all.
There may be times in our lives when we face love with doubt. And more times than that, we doubt in the greatest love of them all, The Lord.
Dear No One in Particular, it seems as though many things can happen in a matter of months, even in a matter of days or hours. Although it takes a while for us to realize it, you slowly mature more everyday with everything you encounter, whether it be a hardship or a good challenge. We must always remain focused on our purpose and excel in all that we do, for the benefit of not only ourselves but of those around us. In a movie I just recently watched, there was a quote that said "nothing is too hard if it's for the people you love" and that's so true. Not only do should we do things for the people we love like our family, our friends but for the one we must love with all our heart and all our mind, our most Heavenly Father the Lord.
Lenten season is a good time to think about purifying our hearts and that was truly my goal for this year's Lent. I never reflected on my New Years Resolutions for this year, but just know that I've been trying my best haha. Not just for this Lent, but for this whole year and however long, I decided to ask our Blessed Mother, Mama Mary for her intercession. She is honestly one of the most greatest women in our lives that we could look up to and imitate and after all, "blessed are those who imitate our lady, for in imitating her, we imitate Christ." I'm excited to not only learn more about our Lord this year, but the proper lady etiquette of our Blessed Mother. In my last post I wrote about being stressed though that has not changed, inevitably other hardships have come and many other joyful graces. I guess it's just a matter of how you look at things, but drawing the time of  my camp anniversary, I believe it is a good time for me to start reflecting about life. It's been a struggle alone just trying to guard my heart, but you should know dear stranger, I am trying my hardest to guard it, and trying even harder to keep my priorities straight.  A year ago from today, things were absolutely different. And 2014, was a very eventful, unexpected and fruitful year that I was very blessed to live through. I am truly reassured that this year, will be just the same to me.  And I should honestly just trust in the Lord more because my own understanding has been getting me nowhere but more confused. It is a good thing to have ambitions, but it's an even better accomplishment to achieve them. 
The Lord is above all my hopes and fears and His love should be enough to reassure and affirm me on that. The journey has been long and will continue to last, but I know I am not alone.
With the sacraments He has given us, like Reconciliation, I can renew my mind and renew my heart. There's no room in my life for burdens because there must be room to trust more, to love more and to glorify and honor Him more. 
I must strive to be a good leader and good example to those who I love and encounter in my life. 
No one deserves to be mistreated or abused in any way. Let the Lord be the one to use us, as His servants and instruments of peace. 
Pray for me whoever you are, and I will be praying for you.
All the Angels and Saints please pray and intercede for us.
Sincerely the Lord's, 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear No One In Particular,
So instead of studying (for midterms) I find myself blogging and wanting to express my feelings somewhere I could just release them freely. I've {consistently} been so busy and haven't had any time to just relax and be able to type and express how I feel. For a while though stranger, I have been stressed. It's hard to think of a time when I haven't been, because sometimes it's either very obvious or very low-key. Who would've thought that this school year was going to be so busy? I always get envious of people's busy schedules but I have realized the hard way, that I myself, have a busy schedule too, it's just that some of the activities may be different. Don't get me wrong though, I love what I do, and have decided to work hard at each. I have my service, my family, my friends and my school life and community.
 I don't have any time for negativity, and for any put-downs or let-downs. Since last year I've learned and experienced a lot and it feels like more than a year since. How could it be true that a year has past? How are the days going by before my very eyes? Say it isn't so.
These troubles I may have, shouldn't hold me back from remembering the many victories I've made and are yet to make.
[Break] I wasn't able to finish this post in one night, but I attended an incredible night at Winter Formal for East Cluster. I really wish that night didn't end, because it was a peak of my week!
It had been one of the best nights I've had in a while because for once, I didn't feel any pain except of course, my feet from dancing in heels. It's been a while too since I've given my heart freely and entirely in worship. I let loose so much through dancing and singing, two of my all time favourite things. My own stress gets to me so much, so that night was definitely worth following through. Why am I allowing myself to be eaten alive by my own thoughts and stress? I always have to bottle it up because some things seem like a waste of time to deal with I guess.
The Lord has greater plans for me that I really need to listen and draw attention to. No distractions or temptations. It just sucks when you feel like you've done everything right, but things don't go your way, right? Though "He strengthens the weary and gives strength to the powerless" - Isaiah 40:29, He continues to be my strength, my rock during any time I face hardship. And I shall never forget His acts of kindness towards me, and all His graces (Psalms 103:2). The Masses I have gone to this past week have been so relevant to my life, and give me so much reassurance from our God. This time during Advent truly is giving me plenty of anticipation for the coming of our Saviour once again this Christmas. Honestly, the only one getting me through all this joy and stress, is our Lord and I shouldn't even waste time worrying because I entrust everything to Him. I wish I could quote everything from the past two Masses I have attended but surely I will slowly quote them on different places.
Please pray for me, whoever you are, and I will pray for you.
Let us have a peace of heart and peace of mind, and rejoice in the Lord!


 "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt  but test them all;hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it." 
Sincerely the Lord's, Patricia.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dear No One In Particular,
The Lord has abundantly blessed me and has truly revealed Himself to me when I faithfully
said "YES" to Him when I went to Surrey Two's Camp EXALTED. I am still in somewhat shock
to where I am in my life right now, because honestly, time flies by so fast. (Still in shock I'm in CFC-YOUTH already, because I waited 2 years to join). Throwback to last year when I wasn't in CFC-YOUTH yet, though the Lord was calling me to Him (Jeremiah 29:13). 
Do you ever have those moments when you're so overwhelmed by the joy of the Lord that you just start squealing and cannot control your emotions at all? It's such an overpowering but amazing feeling. Sometimes I wish I could just say "Lord, please slow down time and let me enjoy more things for much longer" but then again, another part of me learns to accept it and value all I've experienced so far.
I've learned to appreciate so many things for what they are, way more than I used to; and I'm so eternally grateful to our Gracious God. From growing more outgoing, I've developed so many
life-giving friendships and some of the people I've met and have grown close to, radiate Christ
so much! The community brings such a huge smile to my face and just the thought of Christ's love for us, makes me ecstatic! A little boy in the P.R.E.P class I'm assisting.taught me the definition of
the word "providence" which is God's love and protection over all things and creation. We 
must keep the Lord in mind always, and make everything Christ Centered. I can't hide who I am or
be ashamed in my morals but rather, evangelize and proclaim the love of the Lord. Actually one time this week, in a class, I was in a discussion among-st some classmates and after I said something, they all just took a moment and stared at me and said "that was very hardcore catholic of you to say". I was taken aback but I knew it was the Lord speaking through me so I didn't feel any sorry or regret. There are times where I doubt in myself don't get me wrong, I'm no way perfect and I sin, but I always need to know that my choices should reflect upon the greater direction toward my journey of God's Will.At True North Conference 2014 there was this thing called "My Hope In 20" and part of it (I won't say the other part of what I wrote, for it's in God's hands. hehe) I wrote "to serve the Music Ministry". And my dear friends that "hope" came true when I got to serve the music ministry at  a Post Confirmation Retreat as well as a Collective Household, Our God is so good and now being apart of Surrey Two's Music Ministry is like a hope come true. (See what I did there?)
September was such a busy month in itself but then again, it was as if I had never left the school life.
It's only the 2nd month of a new school year and I'm eager to know what God has in store for me next. May I learn to trust in Him with all of my heart always as well as you too!
Pray for me, whoever you are, and I will pray for you too.

PSALM 28:7
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him."
Sincerely yours, Patricia.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Dear No One In Particular,
Today (or more like, tonight) I have decided to embark on another decision to begin a blog. This time, I will not have the guilt of not finishing a project that I've started, because there is no one in particular to please (see what I did there?). Perhaps it is only God and I who reads this blog, but if a lucky reader (you) happens to stumble on this post, I humbly welcome you into this part of my life. One of the hearty lessons I've learned so far this year and also, continue to learn to accept is: that God is the only one whom you truly need to please. Besides that I've also discovered a greater side to feeling nostalgia by; when you've documented your feelings and life, somehow having intertwined the two. 
Life goes on.
And there are just some quirky little things you can do that you have control over. (aka: starting and stopping a blog)

Something in me truly holds that passion for writing, but I know deep down it's way more than that. (I don't limit myself to writing though, it's just something I am able to do.) Maybe the passion I have, lies with the love I have for communication, documenting and sharing with others.
Although I'm guilty of trying to please others (besides God), I'm certainly not trying to entertain anybody besides myself. "Just do you" as people like to say, it's both hard and easy. But I mean like, thinking about it, I prefer the times when I actually try to make myself feel good or happy, and usually that occurs when I'm not doing that for others.
I'm not going to censor anything on this blog, but that doesn't mean I can't hide anything. From moments of sorrow, to uplifting joys poured out into whatever size font. I'll be the pilot of this flight of a blog, and choose when to soar and when to land on it.
See, you can't really please anybody huh? 
(A message to my future self: this is probably going to be the bomb-diggity looking back on this) 
Sincerely yours

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